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Hologram responded to the touch of humankind!

Has seen the Iron Man film would? Still inget he said? Still inget his technology? At that time Tony Stark built a robot with his computer based hologram..! (if dah forgot, tough the picture was supervised this..

Now... Technology that was used by Stark not the fiction story again right! Read continued please...!!! Technology hologram indeed not new technology, his research has been carried out from 1947, and hologram 3D the first time could be made during 1962 by the researcher from the Soviet Union, Yuri Denisyuk. But now, technology hologram began menapaiki the new level. Reuters reported, that at this time the scientist's Japanese group could have made hologram that could respond the touch of humankind.

These scientists made the program hologram this used the wave ultrasonic and kontroler Wii so that hologram could detect the movement and responded to the touch. So, the computer like that was had by Tony Stark and no longer fiction, it apostr s come to real.. So if this technology was used to games or the video conference? Played boxing in Wii uptil now his enemy


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